

An introduction to our first, of hopefully many blogs.
Are you looking for a beautiful gift to give to a loved one? Do you want to choose a significant piece that will make them think of you whenever they wear it? Or are you looking for jewellery for yourself that will celebrate your achievements and self worth. Whatever the reason we are here to help guide you and offer a few suggestions.
Diamond studs
A good staple of easy to wear, everyday jewellery certainly includes diamond stud earrings. These are not only timeless but look effortlessly chic from day through to the evening and can be worn on a daily basis whatever their size. We find that whilst most diamond shapes are available as studs, round brilliant cuts are always the most popular.
Whether you are looking for a simple solitaire pendant or one set with a gemstone to symbolise a loved ones birthday we have plenty of different options available. A thoughtful gift that’s always lovely to receive and worn on the chest so close to the heart.
We always have a readily available stock of solid handmade bangles, be it in silver or gold. They make an excellent gift for most occasions and can even be personalised for added sentiment. Their solid quality allows them to be worn all the time without fear of denting like lesser quality, lightweight hollow items.
Something a little different…
We pride ourselves on being an independent jeweller and as such we try to steer away from conveyor belt jewellery that is often found up and down the high street. We like to offer individual pieces, often one-offs that can’t be easily replicated. One of our passions is antique and pre-loved jewellery, rarely do we get to know the history of our antique pieces but we always wonder what journey they might have had, especially the Victorian items as many of these are around 150 years old - just imagine the tales they could tell.
Finishing touches
Once selected, your item will be carefully packaged in our quality jewellery boxes and gift bags, each of which bears our logo picked out in gold lettering.
We also offer a gift wrapping service, luxury gold wrapping complete with satin ribbon.
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